Anyone talked to Dean from PSE?

Has anyone got a hold of Dean from PSE? I sent a set of Studio MK V amps in for repair over a year ago. I spoke to him quite a few times and he always told me he was just getting to them. Now over the last two months I have not been able to get a hold of him. His phone number was disconnected and sent to a new number. I get his answering machine every time I call. I leave messages every time but he has not got back to me. Did he go out of business?
May I suggest to dump this POS amp and buy something else - before it breaks down again and you'd have to wait another 21 months?
It's not right for any vendor of anything to provide the service that apparently this man has been doing. There is no excuse, ever, for bad service. If you cann't support your products, do not go into business in the first place. There are way too many "shoestring" companies that have come and gone, leaving the consumer with equipment that no one wants because of its abandoned status. The best designed, best sounding equipment in the world is worth nothing if it doesn't work and no one can make it work.
Jw94055, you would rather quality products not appear with the builder trying to make a go of it since many try but fail? Very curious sentiments.

I had PSE amps long ago. I talked on occasion with Dean but more importantly I found the amps quite good and dependable. I never had any problems. I think it unlikely that even the very best products don't have parts failure after 10 or 15 years.
I would rather not have quality products than go through what Geo did. P E R I O D.