APL NWO2.5 ?

Though I'm not able to hear this player, I'm about to take the plunge......
Is it as good as some audiophiles claim ?
Steve -

Congrats! I am certain it will make some beautiful music.

I will second Guido's comment on the Purist Anniversary Power cord on the X-01. I used the Anniversary PC on the X-01LE and found the cord to be a great match. FYI - they do take more burn in than the Dominus if I recall correctly.
Steve, you're most welcome! Enjoy it! :-)

The Denons, as well as many other high-end digital products, has a switching mode power supply inside, while the NWO and many others have linear power supply.

The reason why I am bringing this up is because there is a huge difference between what power cord and power conditioner/regenerator will be used together with digital audio component having switching mode or linear power supply. This said; what works best with Denon might not be best with NWO.

Congrats 711 - you lucky dog! Regarding powercords, I am using a Harmonix Studio Master on my APL3910 which I really like. I have also heard good things about top of the line Kubala Sosna and Pranawire powercords.
Alex, you made me curious! what types of PCs work best with linear PSs and what types with switching PSs? By the way, on my own X-01 Ltd I am using a Shunyata Helix Anaconda Alpha, rather than Purist Anniversary.
Guido, usually shielded power cords in combination with power conditioners or re-generators work very well with units utilizing switching power supplies.

Your X-01 Ltd has a dual R-Core linear power supply which, in my experience, works best without any power conditioning or re-generators (the X-01 and UX-1 have a built in EMI filter) and the use of un-shielded and, preferably, un-twisted power cords made of pure Silver.

As far as the Shunyata PC goes, may be Earflappin can give his summary since he has been using these extensively.

Hey, when are you going to visit? Any time soon? :-)
