Apogee versus German Physics

Has anyone had a chance to hear GERMAN PHYSIKS speakers like the LORELEY, or the GAUDI. I would like to known if they sound similar or even better than a pair of FULL RANGE APOGEE tri-amplified with KRELL KRS200, wich is what I own. I am very eclectic in musical taste; I listen to anything as long as i think it is very good, from classical to rock'n'roll....
I know you guys realize ribbon speakers are still going very strong. Infact, alot of dynamic speaker manufactures incorporate ribbons. Why? Light, airy, transparent sound. I challenge any dynamic speaker owner to put on Michael Hedges "Taproot" Or just about any female vocal (Trinity Sessions Cowboy Junkies). Then go to your buddies house who has ribbons, play the same music. You tell me what sounds more real? Oh, by the way. I have in my system now Joseph Audio RM 25 Speakers. There is a reason you almost never see these on the used market.
to unsound,omni speakers such as the german physics do not have sweet spots sound and imaging is good independent of location. Used to live for thirty years with different electro static speakers very placement dependent.The same apply to ribbon speakers or most front firing speakers.
Ramy that's what I expected, and part of what makes them so intriguing. My previous thoughts had to do with room considerations. I would imagine that room reflections might become more of an issue. Perhaps because the DDD driver handles all the frequencies, except for the bass, one may move it out further into the room without worry about driver integration at the listening position, to compensate for room reflections?
to usound your absolutly right,the only placement issue is the mid low frequency below 200hz where the woofers take over.One of the challenges in driving the Loreleys is the driving the the bass section having to power four 12in.woofers from 180hz down is not easy,and requires very powerful amps.On the other hand were the speakers excell is in the total sound uniformity to mid and low frequency going down all the way to below 20Hz.
In addition I beleive the less crossovers the better off you are.Also an electronic X-over gives better ballance between the speakers handling the different frequencies.
When performing a spectral time analysis on my system except for the excellent linearity across the frequency range,the lack of ringing after impulse inputs where very significant,ringing will lead to distortion and fuzzy imaging.I do not know whether the absence of any ringing is the speakers or the combination of amps and speakers.
Hi Guys (esp. Zane),
I didn't mean to suggest that Apogees are not fantastic speakers -- they most certainly are! However, with the various systems I've tried, I've found the German Physiks to be superior to my ear.
Prior to the German Physiks, I used the full-boat modified Crosby Quads with Rel Stadium subwoofer. The German Phsyiks are the only speaker that I have found which can match my Crosby Quads in intimacy and transparency while offering great dynamics and ultrasonics.
Note that I mostly listen to jazz, folk, country, blues and rock.
Cheers and happy hi-fi!