AppleTV work with USB DAC?

Can an AppleTV modified via some software to enable and use
its USB Port to output digital audio to an external USB-DAC?

I've been searching the internet for this answer. I know the
MacMini will allow this but I like the "fanless" AppleTV for
quietness and small size.

When using the Apple TV, is there any way to select songs and playlists remotely via computer rather than the TV screen? Or is the ATV inseparable from the TV?
This is the only way I know of to set up your ATV for use with the USB external hard drive capabilities.
Mingles- using an Ipod Touch or IPhone you simply use Apple Remote to run the music, and it's a beautiful and simple interface. And the Apple Remote app is free as well.
Wow the AppleTV has a fan? I didn't know that. I only saw
it at the Apple store and I really liked the small size and
of course the killer GUI.

I was reading that the AppleTV can be hacked to the point
where you could install a full version of OS X. Somehow
I was figuring if the USB could be enabled for USB harddisks
then the next step would be to copy over Audio Midi Setup,
start it up, and then select the USB port for Audio output.

Gherrera1: I will have to check into that capacitor mod
on the AppleTV. We emailed a year ago when I bought my
Krell 400xi and SACD3. You were considering the AppleTV
or MacMini back then.. I guess you picked the AppleTV..

Has anyone tested various glass Toslink cables to find
out which one sounds best with the AppleTV ?? The 3
Toslink cables mentioned often seem to be:

Van Den Hul Optocoupler
Wireworld Super Nova 5
AudioQuest Optilink-5