ARC Ref mark2 vc Supratek Chardonnay

I'm looking to upgrade my ARC LS15 and the two pre's I have narrowed the field down to are the Ref mark2 and the Supratek.I know there are a lot of happy Supratek owners on this site( I have posted in the asylum but get the feeling Supratek owners frequent here.) Have any of you directly compared these two pre's?I have talked to a couple of Supratek owners who are delighted. Would the chardonnay be a sideways step or a forwards one?I don't have a bias either way.I know thre is a ref3 on the way.
Accompanying gear- ARC CD3 ( balanced), Plinius SA100 ( soon to be Sa ref) and Shahinians.Music taste classical and jazz.
Thanks in advance,
>> Magnepanmike
"overhyped and overrated line stages on the market."

You shouldn't be surprised unless you're unaware of Supratek, Joule, BAT, VAC, and Aesthetix. ARC made its best gear in the mid 70s-early 80s and should have died with disco. Have you seen the hundred or so units for sale on Audiogon? Word is getting around I guess.
The Supratek Cabernet at $5K destroys the Ref 2 Mk2 at half the price. All of the manufacturers listed above have products priced below the Ref 2 Mk2 that are better from design, build quality and sonic standpoints.
In your own words "Wow"
Yep "word must be getting out........." PLEASE...... There are so many Ref 2's out there now because ARC is just releasing the REF 3. Here's the link: Obviously you don't like ARC and you are entitled to your opinion...... Unfortunately, everyone can see through your mindless claims.
Wc65mustang: I have heard BAT 51SE vs Ref 2 mk 2 and IMO the ARC blow the BAT away. I found the BAT to sound flat and uninvolwing.
>> Unfortunately, everyone can see through your mindless claims.<<
Hey I didn't insult you did I? But now I will. They are not mindless claims but you would hear the difference if you dumped those goofy 1.6 'pans. Mindless speakers indeed.

>> I have heard BAT 51SE vs Ref 2 mk 2 and IMO the ARC blow the BAT away<<
Perhaps with certain other components this could be but the Joule, Supratek, and even the Atma-Sphere MP-1 will smoke the ARC.
Before changing pre-amps, have you changed the tubes in your LS15. I have an LS15 and was amazed at how much better it sounded once I put in some NOS Amperex tubes from the early 60s. They aren't cheap, but cost far less than a new pre-amp. Just my 2 cents.