Are You Content With Your System?

I have a Mark Levinson 335, Mark Levinson 39, B&W N803s All Harmonic technology cables and Slamander synergy racks. My audio room is only 17x13. In the future I want to change my N803s and get my Favorite Revel Salons or the Studios. I have wanted them for a long time. And I also want the Levinson mono blocks. But knowing that I sit back and turn my system on. I turn down the lights and light a candle I pick a nice new age cd that is well recorded and close my eyes and wow! My system sounds so great I am so content with the sound and the looks.(levinson gear is beautiful) Well the point Iam trying to make is even though we all know that we can do and have better are you content with what you have? If I never got another peice of gear again I would be happy with the system I put together.I know there are better systems than mine but I also feel Iam at the point of diminishing returns. But there is always room for improvements. Well now that I got off the topic what are you guys using and are you content? What is your dream system? Regards DANIEL

You should be content with your system!!! I do not know how long it took you to get to where you are at today, but you have arrived ... and be thankful. The folks in this forum make constant tweaks without meaningful returns using complex and odd equipment. Do not second guess yourself, you are on the right path. There is a law of diminishing returns for reasonable $$$. Only make your next changes for dramatic increases in sound quality at reasonable $$$ increases. For you, lucky one, should only consider the following 3 future steps (in order of impact assuming technology stays comparatively static): 1) move from the 335 to 33Hs, don't consider the 336 or 436s, under the "needs to have dramatic impact to justify $$$ spend" 2) upgrade to the N801s ... they are sensational (the Revel products are a step down and I would avoid the diversion) and absolutely stunning under the control of the 33Hs 3) go to the 390S.

A simple stunning system ... then enjoy your listening time with full knowledge moving anywhere else makes no sense and is a waste of time ... and then do what I do ... enjoy all the other obsessions life has to offer.

By the way, and I hate to admit the "experts" are right ... the N801s were Stereophile's 1999 product of the year and the 33Hs were the co-amp product of the year with the CJ ART preamp (an incredible piece of equip) ... the CJ took product of the year (confusing .. but w/o the CJ the 33Hs probably would have taken the honor).

You owe me countless hours of wasting your time on these forums and review reading.

I am not sure that my ultimate goal is to be satisfied with my system. I am sorry to say that if I ever did find sonic nirvana I would eventually screw it up by changing something. I am very content with this being my only obsessive vice. If I did not focus on this I might find something that would be much more harmful. The advantage of this hobby is that music is beauty and that I am always listening, though sometimes for the wrong reasons.

All that being said, I am content with my tuner. I have a Fanfare 1A and it has been the greatest audio investment that I have ever made. I listen to it more than any other source that I have and it provides me with great joy. I live right outside of Manhattan where there are a number of great radio stations and I never took advantage of them until I purchased this tuner.