Are you in the over 30 K club??

I read in Stereophile that their average reader has invested around $33,000 in their home audio system. Wow, thats a load of money. In your observation does this seem accurate? My system consist of Krell, VPI, Dynavector, Audio Physic & Cardas and I put in together here on Audiogon for around $3,500 lightly used.
Are you in over $30,000 club? That's not list prices it's what you actually have paid.
If I counted retail, and included to AV system.. then yes. If I only count what I paid... sadly, I am a pauper.
My take was that a stereo for a hi-end system cost as much as your car. So if you have a $30,000 dollar car, then a 30K stereo was for you. (So, if you have a $70,000. car... you better go out and spend some more money!!)
Or, a percentage of gross income. If I have a system equal to my yearly after tax income, Am I more dedicated than the guy who has a 100K system, but earns 700K a year?
Folks who drive a $2K car, (or even just ride the bus!!!)and have a 25K stereo, are "TRUE AUDIOPHILES" in my book. Sacrificing all else for musical pleasure.
Stubby writes:
I enjoy my music system just fine but doubt that this hobby could ever deliver 30k of enjoyment.
Interesting quip. I don't know how to measure that - "30k of enjoyment".
