ASR Emitter II Exclusive question

Just got one of these and was wondering what platforms/feet you guys have used/recommend etc.. Any difference with power cable upgrades on the power supplies?

Thanks for any advice/info

Hi ASR users,

One tweak strongly recommended - REM8 from Acoustic Revive. (I ought to get a commission from AR for this or atleast one or two more REM-8s for free :-) , but no affiliations whatsoever - for the records!!!)

It is not cheap, but I tell you, once you try it, you will not give it back to the dealer ! Simply place it on Acrylic cover face down on the Emitter & you will see the noise being sucked out & the Bass simply expand !!! Astonishing... I suspect all those caps simply are not so nice for EMI.

Try it for yourself, maybe it is just me who is attracting all the noise ;-) It says the REM8 is to be placed near Transformers, but it works just as well on top of the Acrylic cover of the main amp. The p/s are anyhow covered with metal plates, so maybe the effectivity is not that great. Probably something like the Shakti Stone on TOP of the p/s units could help, I guess.

Any experience ?

Interesting product, did you try it underneath?
I will see if i can source one for trial, also their other products could be interesting?

Yes, underneath works as well. I have a suspicion it might even be better in some cases, but yet to be checked. But on top is simply easier, as you have to remember to turn it off (i.e if you are interested keep the battery alive longer). Actually what would be interesting is to check what would happen if one moves it into the P/S section, below the metal covers & just above the Transformers, for which these are actually designed...uhm...something for this weekend !
I compared the balanced vs the direct input using the same type of cable (2 AudioQuest Sky, one XLR and another RCA). No doubt that the direct input is sounding more natural and relaxed.

On another matter, did anyone tried to change the power cords powering the two Power Stations (i.e., the two PCs from the PS to the wall)?
-- Ale
Can't comment on the power cords, but can confirm the RCA direct vs. XLR connection observation. Using the Platinum Eclipse interconnect & the PE LS cables, just gives outstanding clarity, with an increased sense of musicality...much more natural.

Yes, would be curious too hear if someone tried the TESLA power cords from Synergistic Research ?