Atma-Sphere MA-1 amps

How good are these amps? I have 200w Class A mono blocks and have been eyeing these for sometime. What are your thought on them and hwo do they sound?


The two outlet surge protector at is all I use for my MA-1 amps. The best protection for your amp investment.
Has anyone seen the new review of M-60 and MP3 in Absolute Sound?

I am still waiting for my issue to come in the mail.

BTW I use PS Audio Duet on my MA-1's. My MP-1 is plugged into Poew Plant Premier. I have always used the Duet on the MA-1's. I used to have much older MA-1's, and when I first got the Duet and plugged the amps in I though they were cleaner. I really should try taking the Duet out and see what the latest amps sound like right in the wall.

I have also never tried the MP-1 direct to the wall. I guess I just have to much faith in PS audio power gear.
Yes, nice review by Sue Kraft. Very complimentary of the M-60 particularly, saying "In my experience, few tube amplifiers have the purity and neutrality of this one."
For some reason, the MP-3 doesn't seem to get the respect of the M60s, and I wonder if this is due to the phono stage. As a line stage it seems to let the M60s do the transparency, microdynamic detail, incredible timbral accuracy and expansive soundstaging thing that the amps are capable of. I've tried a Joule LA150MKII and Dodd Battery pre with the M60s and they sound quite different (and more similar to each other) than the MP-3 with the M60s (both warmer and plumper in comparison). To my ears, the Atma-spere pre is an important part of getting the Atma-sphere "sound" - for better or worse; I like what the whole package can do, and to my ears there is no better amp that I've heard with my Merlins than the Atma-spheres; that first amp after many tries, where I found an amp that let me sell my CAT JL2 with no regrets - at all; I prefer the Atmas with the Merlins - though I suspect the CAT can do its "thing" with a very wide array of speakers.
Just a comment on NOS tubes. I have been rolling a few and I jst want let it be known that all tubes I have received from Andy Bowman at Vintage Tube Services are clearly matched and quiet, very quiet. With other sources I have not been so lucky. I'm sure you can get well matched from other sources, but Andy has never failed me.