Audience AU24, are they good?

I almost have my system complete, just need a pair of good and affordable speaker cables. My system (budget system):
Jadis JD-3 CD
AudioNote DAC2 (old version)
Sonic Frontier SFL-2 (upgraded some tubes using Siemens & amperex)
Krell KSA-250 (i know it's a very old amp, but no $ yet)
Dunlavy Aletha
Cardas Golden Ref ICs
Cardas Quadlink speaker cables (this may be the weakest link in the system).

So, my wife plan to visit to Singapore, and here is my opportunity to get a pair of good speaker cables (I live in Indonesia, hard to get use stuffs here). Thus, I won't be able to audition whatever I will decide to buy.... I got some offer of:
Audience AU24, Nordost Red Dawn Rev II, Audioquest (forgot the model), and some other. But from all, the Audiences seem quite affordable, about US$525 (single wire, spade ends). The question: how good are they compare to Red Dawn, etc or even my old quadlink? I mostly listen to some pop and light jazz music.

Thanks in advance..
signal wires do have a big impact...however, going from cardas power cables to audience was pretty much at the same level as a interconnect change (in my system)....
I would suggest getting one power cord (used) either Audience or BMI Shark or Whale Supreme (not regular whales) and roll it around your system. A good power cord can make an enormous difference if it is the right one for your system.
I would not argue the value of power cords over interconnects. Both are critical to great sound. See if you can manage one used power cord now (better used, they are broken in).
Do count on anything from 200 - 1,000 hours (my experience) for break-in on both power cords and interconnects. Power Cords took longer in my system.
Let us know what you do and how you make out.
Power cords take significantly fewer hours to break in than signal carrying wires. No power cord in the world takes anywhere near 1000 hours.
You have a habit of speaking about subjects you do not know about.
Here's a simple question for you. Have you listened to every power cord in the world and carefully listened to it on a high resolution system when it passed 1,000 hours ?
>>You have a habit of speaking about subjects you do not know about.<<

Quite the contrary my friend; let me enlighten you a little bit. Here is a quote from the Stealth Audio website. Remember these are the engineeer/owner's comments not mine:

"99% of all cables, ours and others, require about TWO days of initial break-in after the installation to show their overall, general "sound character"; before that time, some harshness, upper-midrange "brightness" or "glare" (typical not only for pure silver cables "out of the box", but other cables types, too) might be heard. For approximately 7 to 10 days after the initial break-in, sound becomes progressively smoother and more natural. In general, in two weeks after the installation, cables are ready for critical listening. Sometimes it takes longer. In general, more advanced, sophisticated and complex cable designs take longer to break in than simpler cables. Please note that in order to perform their best, our cables should be broken-in on the very same system with the very same components used for critical listening! If a cable is disconnected or used with other components, it might be necessary - for the best sound - to let it "settle" in the system again at least for a few hours - before critical listening. According to our point of view on the break-in process in cables, it mostly deals with the "ground potential differences" in the components used - that's why I recommend to break in the cables with the same components that will be used for critical listening. It may sound funny, but cables do break in ( a bit more slowly) with just equipment in "on" position (powered) even with no music or any signal passing through!... So, it's not strictly necessary to play something all the time. Just keep your equipment "on" and play something once in a while... If you wish, you can even leave tubes in "stand by" position (with partial anode voltage applied - if you have this mode...

So even if you go an extra 4 days beyond the 10 days as noted, that takes you up to 336 hours, far less than the 1000 hours you alluded to. I would tend to believe an electrical engineer/owner/designer before a mid-fi wannabee. It is you sir who does not know what he is talking about.

I accept your apology however for your erroneous characterization of my knowledge. I'm sure you just didn't know the facts.