Audio Aero Capitole 192 MK II se upgrade

Good morning all,

I would like to know if anyone of you knows exactly what kind of capacitors and tubes you need to buy to upgrade the Capitle. Thanks
Just two. My Capitole mk II used Hovland Musicap 0,1uF, your Reference prolly uses the same, but you have to check for yourself. Just replace them with same value, Teflon V-Cap capaciors. I belive they are 40 each.
Normally AA uses Jan Philips 6021W.
What cryo tube is used in SE upgrade (Philips, Sylvania) ?
I have emailed Globe Marketing recently they do not respond.
I think the cryo 6021W they use is Sylvania.
I think Globe is out of business.
I think there is supposed to be a new Audio Aero distributor announced soon. I would wait for a distributor to be named and contact them for cryo 6021W tubes, I can't find them either.
