Audio Aero Capitole MK II: Performance & Problems

Capitole MKII users, kindly update on the sonic virtues but also on any repeated technical problems. No forum postings since a week! Have these problems stopped? I understand that some units needed a software update; have these been recalled? Does the performance justify the high price? Please contribute.
If the player had been bought through an Authorized dealer,there is no way Globe Audio would not stand behind their product.If it went back to France it is because it was bought out of the country or from a non authorized dealer,which goes back to my original post.So buying a used one or demo piece which are advertised here,or do not originate from the distributor(Globe Audio), is a big gamble.
Well, gamble or not, I bought mine through a dealer in Italy last month (willing to take a risk for such a good price!) and knock on wood, I have not had any of the problems listed in these threads. It appears I have the new chip because my readout says "Read CD". I've had mine burning in around the clock for the past 16 days and the most noticable difference started at 280 hours into it. Now it is sounding so open and warm. I'm in awe! At first I was skeptical that it would improve as much as it has. At this point, I can't be more thrilled!
I just got mine and so far so good, one hour and NO glitches at all- now to burn it in! ~Tim
A customer of mine is indeed selling his used Audio Aero cdp here (if anybody wants to take a big gamble, as satothestars calls it, but if you would follow that logic, one should never buy second hand, since buying used is always a risk. But it all depends on the price, doent' it?)
Anyway, I do not want to write about the risks of second hand buying.
I was extremely inclined myself to buy an Audio Aero cdp, but after I have read that this player is experiencing so many problems, I have decided to go for the new Lindemann D-680 instead. The German audio magazine Stereo gave it a full 100% for the first time and it is their reference player now and my customer told me also that he feels the Audio Aero and Lindemann are in the same league. Now the Lindemann does also SACD, whic is very nice if you ask me and the chassis is machined out of a full block of aluminium. I have checked the German discussion groups, nobody is experiencing any problems with the Lindemann.
If Audio Aero will be able to get their problems under control, I will definitely audition their player against the Lindemann in my system and keep the better player.
I will post my findings here.
In reference to Lall's post, I agree (with sattothestarts) that if Globe Audio had been involved with this problem, they would have resolved this issue without sending the player to France.

I can NOT say enough good things about Globe. Jody and Matt have been outstanding in resolving the issues with my Capitole MK I and now the MK II. The problems of player availability and in proper working condition lies solely with Audio Aero, by their own admission (I have email from AA to prove it).

I originally blamed Globe Audio when my dealer was involved simply because I didn't get a straight story. This ultimately turned out to be a problem with the dealer, not with Globe. Once I started direct conversations with Matt and Jody, I got truthful answers and sincere apologies. I am so impressed with the level of customer service that I have received from Globe that I will no longer go through the dealer. BTW, they were never an authorized AA dealer, just trying to become one.

On the other hand, the player is still plagued by problems. We all hope that this next batch of players, scheduled to arrive next week, will be trouble free. Globe has agreed to replace my MK II to resolve the problems I’ve encountered. And, they’ve allowed me to retain the old player until the new one arrives. Try getting that level of service from most other distributors! When the manufacturer produces the product to perform like their North American distributor, we’ll all be writing about listening to music rather than the problems. I suspect that we’re not far from that point. I can only recommend being patient a while longer. IMHO, this player is worth the wait. Analogue and musical!!!

BTW, I’m not on Globe Audio’s payroll nor am I a dealer.