Audio Art cable Power 1 Classic or Pangea AC-9

Which of these 2 budget power cable to choose for Cary mono's?
Sorry old thread but I'm also wondering about it as I need to decide between these cables.
Pangea AC9SE seems to be very difficult to manage with its thickness while Audio Art has better Furutech Plugs and it bit more pricey than Pangea.
Can't provide input on the Pangea. I have  Audio Art Cable power cords throughout my main system, to my ears they make an audible positive impact
The Pangea was a complete pita to work with. A really nice budget power cord is the signal cable.
I have a couple of these Pangea cords for my tube amps. They dictate your gear placement basically. I like them but they're not very flexible if you need to do much twisting/turning.

You may consider getting longer lengths if going with the Pangea to help with routing.

Hope this helps,