Audio Desk Vinyl Cleaning System

Can anyone comment on the Audio Desk Vinyl Cleaner?
I just came across this today on the web when I did a search on ultrasonic vinyl cleaner. I am looking for a quiet record cleaning machine. I have a nitty Gritty machine but it is too noisy.
Re: On the Audio Desk, it's a great machine when it works properly. I had a number of issues with it when I purchase it from a US distributor in 2009 after a few months with only less than 40 records it has problems with water not filling into the wash tank. To save the cost of shipping I decided to fix it me own. Than used it sparingly for the next few months the record would not spin.Fixed that problem. Than late last year 2010 it would not turn a record and smoke came out found that the power amplifier blew a part and the drive motor jamed damage PCB. This I had no choice but to send it back to Germany I have been sending many e-mails for RA# and calling them up but to no responces. I think he has lots of failure on this machine that he does not responced to customer. Very poor service and pissed off with the backup service. I have friends who shipped the unit back to Germany and had a turn around of 4 months.And it has a 2 year warrenty on it.
Jtsamarinda, I had a problem with my Vinyl Cleaner not rotating the record. I had a talk with the Cable Company and learned that the second production run had greatly improved the cleaner. I have not retried it, but still remember that it did a great job and was so easy to use.
... and learned that the second production run had greatly improved the cleaner"

A true audiophile Product.
Did the owners of the first generation get a refund?
Hi! Tbg,
I had the production No:5X not rotating fix that, than water was not filling the tank, replace IC power amp. Lastly would not rotate and smoke came out, motor drive gear box jammed, cause the IC amp to go overload blew that IC into half.
I got another unit production No:4XX would not rotate fix that problem.There are sum inprovement e.g spring load drive which now take 200gm and 100gm records. The earlier model had problem with 100gm to thin would not rotate and 200gm would not rotate as was too thick and later the drive roller wheels came off.There are some change on the drive chain for the micro rollers and brass pin stoppers for the record.Other than that it's the same machine for that price of $3000 the part don't worth $200 for it. I am waiting for RA# for my No:5X to be fixed to date have not recived any reply to countless e-mails and phone calls to Germany. The guy had an good idea but did not follow up on realiablty and another on user friendly to fix it the system is all seal with PCV sheet the only area could work on it was the electronics.If I do not get an RA# from them I will machine the bottom part of the unite and repair the drive motor gears and reattach it with PCV sheet of the same type.
Jtsamarinda, you have been very stoic. I loved the convenience of the Vinyl Cleaner and wish I could buy a reliable one. Please continue to tell us of your saga.