Audio Horizons TP 2.0 Preamplifier

Anyone famaliar with the manufacturer,and in particular
this pre amp.The credentials and testimonials seem
impressive.The advertised 10 day audition is appealing.
Hello Sherod,

Since this is a technical question, let me answer. The main improvement in installing the line output transformers and the line input transformers is several dB of improved S/N and increased transparency. In conjunction with the "n" upgrade, the "B" upgrade increases the 2.0's S/N from -105 dBv to -115 dBv. The added quietness improves microdetail retrieval and produces a more relaxed and rich textured midrange. In addition it produces a more controlled and punchier low end, more dynamic responsiveness, and a more open and transparent sound. The improvment is not subtle. The more expensive transformers used in the 'B" upgrade as opposed to the "b" upgrade are larger and have metal housings and as such have better noise suppression and better low end control and dynamic output. They are not inexpensive, but they raise the TP 2.0 and 2.0n to another level of excellence.
Having the TP 2.0nB myself, I wholeheartedly agree with Victor's statements in the above post. The improvement of adding the Premium transformers is not subtle.

Happy Listening!
Have any of you TP2.0 owners compared it to any of the high end preamps? I've read about one comparison to the $16K First Sound so far. Any others like the ARC Ref. 3 or Callisto?
Regarding Sherod's question: As a beta tester of the preamp, I had the opportunity to listen to all versions of the preamp. I was impressed when Joseph delivered a tube preamp capable of 105dB S/N. However, when he added the transformer and other upgrade options, the quality of the music was greatly improved. More detail emerged. The music was communicated more vividly and with greater subtlety. Ultimately, I bought the TP 2.0nB (premium transformer version) because it sounded so beautiful. Fortunately, Joseph has made an upgrade path for this preamp. Those who enjoy versions lower on the upgrade path can look forward to new and substantially greater pleasure in the future.
I've definitely got the "B" upgrade on my "wish" list. I'm so happy with the "n" version that I don't know if my ears can handle the "B" upgrade (LOL). I'm glad you're enjoying your preamp.