Audio Horizons TP 2.0 Preamplifier

Anyone famaliar with the manufacturer,and in particular
this pre amp.The credentials and testimonials seem
impressive.The advertised 10 day audition is appealing.
Yes Sang. The Fusion power cords, once broken in, do indeed give you a spiritual enlightenment. Well, folks. It is a new year. Hopefully a better one than last year. I just got my monoblocs back from VAC. Due to extreme mis-handling from our guys at Fedex, one of my transformers had to be re-welded. This took some time and while the amps were in the shop, the owner of VAC, Kevin Hayes, took the time to do a few circuitry upgrades with some better resistors. I just hooked everything back up a few hours ago and the sound is so much better than before. I currently have my preamp in the original 2.0n version, but after a while, I might re-try the 2.1n newer version. I have the parts diagram from Joseph to do this( simply taking out a couple of diodes and adding a couple of electrolytics, along with the new output caps). I am going to simply enjoy the exquisite sound I'm getting now over the weekend and maybe make a New Year's resolution that I'm going to cool it for a while with the upgrades and tweaks in my system and just enjoy the music. I wish all you fellow Audio Horizons component owners a very happy and prosperous new year.
Glad that amps are back safe, sound and better than before. Wish the thread members a wonderful New year. For our family it may mean a move from North Carolina where I have been for about 30 years to Ashland Oregon - we have many friends out West and are due for a change. Of course I am scanning properties for potential dedicated sound rooms.
Wow, Joe! From one coast to another. Is this a job relocation? Oregon is a very beautiful State. I hope you find a home with the right listening room for your system, especially after designing your own there in N. Carolina. My daughter currently lives in Fayetteville, N.C.

Yeah for Joe. Nice to see a fellow audiophile making a change in life or at least surroundings.

Sherod, we wish you happy and prosperous New Year. Please let us know if you have a change of heart on the AH upgrade. You are a big influence on this thread perhaps more than you know.

Rx8man and Markwatkiss, best wishes to both of you.
Sherod glad your system is up and running, man it would be a real bummer for me and the wife to be with out music.
My AH speaker cables have fully broke in and no doubt Josephs wire is first class in build and sound very impressed.
I have Lossless PCs ordered since early Dec. Still no delivery. Looking forward to giving them a try hopefully soon.
Wishing all the very best sound this New Year.