Audio Horizons TP 2.0 Preamplifier

Anyone famaliar with the manufacturer,and in particular
this pre amp.The credentials and testimonials seem
impressive.The advertised 10 day audition is appealing.
Well, Pat. If you like the sound now, just wait until those caps start to relax within the next 100 hours. I doubt if we'll be hearing from you for a while as you'll be too busy being caught up in the music. Just remember to do something nice for the wife from time to time. You don't want her to think that you're married to your beloved stereo. (o:
Hello all. Just thought I would chime in here and ask a few questions. I'm in the process of having my TD 3.0 upgraded with the Clarity MR caps as we speak. Just waiting on Joe and Victor to finalize the source and pricing.

Question 1: What impact will this upgrade have at the DAC level without an AH preamp? I'm assuming it will be much better then my current configuration which is still quite nice. There are four caps in the dac as opposed to two in the preamp.

Question 2. Currently using a Bel Canto PRE3.
Would there be added synergy with a AH preamp with the powersuppy and Clarity cap upgrades?

Thanks in advance for your comments.

I don't have Joseph's DAC, but I'm going to assume that the Claritycap will raise the level of quality of sound just as it does in the preamp. Joseph would be better qualified in telling you if one or all caps should be changed out to Claritycaps. If you want to see if the AH preamp would synergize better with your DAC than your Bel Canto, try out the AH preamp yourself in your own system with their return money-back guarantee. If you like the AH preamp the best, I would imagine that you could resell your Bel Canto on Audiogon for a reasonable price. Maybe someone that currently owns the AH preamp who might have previously owned the Bel Canto pre can chime in to give you some first hand experience advice.
Hi Sherod

Thanks for your input. Still waiting on pricing for the Clarity-Vishay upgrade on the DAC. I guess the free trial would be the way to go. Just wondering if it would make any sense to evaluate the preamp without the Clarity cap upgrade given the fact that the dac would have these better components further upstream? Your thoughts.

It's your call,but I'd wait for the new Claritycap for the preamp since you're already getting it for your DAC. I would do one thing at a time to avoid confusion. Let the Clarity caps break into your DAC and listen to your favorite reference music to make sure that you like the new sound. If you hear the improvements like I think you will, then I would look at the preamp next, of course with the newest upgrades depending on your budget. In my opinion, the Claritycap MR option is a "no- brainer". (O: