Audio Note DAC 5

Just curious, are there (many) audiophiles who want to have the Audio Note DAC 5 and are willing to pay the high price for the device? New price: $50,000, used price $30,000. Another question: is it worth the price? Does the sound quality justify the price? Does it better the top Wadia or the Esoteric, which retail for less?

This is going to seem impossible, but I know three people with DAC 5 signatures. It is a fantastic DAC. All three were hooked up to the 47 labs transport -- crazy, noisy, unreliable, but, I suppose, pretty good sounding -- but apparently pretty good sounding because the combination is magical -- very relaxed, organic sounding without sounding muffled of flacid or dynamically constricted.

This is the best digital I've heard, and I have heard a few of the contenders (full DCS stack, Reimyo, EML, etc.), and I own, and like, a pretty good CDP (Naim CD 555). Is the DAC 5 worth the money? I suppose, if you got that kind of discetionary cash.
The 30-50K question that comes to my mind, is it better sounding than an APL NWO 2.5T player for less $$.
I have never heard DAC 5,but i own DAC 2 Signature.It retails for about 4000$.I also did some tube rolling and got much better performance.I sincerely can't see how much more improvement can one make in DAC compared to this one.I have no doubt that DAC 5 is much better,but i can't see in which areas they made the progress that much.I don't think it's worth the extra money (46k).And also,if you spend 50k on DAC5,what will you do when DAC 6 comes out?You gotta sell 5 and buy 6.And so on.It becomes more like a PC market this way,and less a true value.
But i agree it all comes down to time.This is what we get,and you have one shot to make the most of it.If someone gets that kind of enjoyment,than 50k should not be too much.Of course if you have that kind of cash.
It's better to buy DAC 5 than spend 50k on hooker costing 10k/a night.At least in my book.
"It's better to buy DAC 5 than spend 50k on hooker costing 10k/a night.At least in my book."

Audiobb, You have a sensible book, however, I suspect that many people who buy "best of class" or maybe I should say "most expensive of class" luxury items, aren't making that choice. Demonstrating their success through the acqusition of these trinkets seems to be a sport to some of the wealthy elite. The value of money is not static, it's active.
The gent in your illustration is probably boasting about his 50k toy to his 10k hooker.
Phaelon,I guess you're right.It's also probably o proof of buying power.If i have it,it means i can easily afford it.