Audio Research SP8 MK II Sounds

Just bought an ARC SP8 on ebay and installed it in my system. Vocals sound boxy and a bit too forward to me compared to my McIntosh C20 preamp.
The SP8 was sent to ARC recently for a checkup, new tubes, were installed, etc....
The tubes provided by ARC are Electro-Harmonix, but the tubes in the Mac are Amprex Bugle Boy and Telefunken. Could this be the problem? Don't really want to spend the money for more expensive tubes if it will not rectify the problem.

My system:

Krell FPB 300cx amp
Wadia 861 CD player
Mac MR78 tuner
B&W Nautilus 800 speakers

New to Audiogon and was also wondering how to contact other audiophiles in my area (South Florida)?

Maybe its not a tube issue but maybe a wire issue,.I wouldn't think the same wires for Mac and Audio Research would be appropriate..Two different voicings...If you are using very analitcal wires on Mac and use the same on A/R you maybe need a more layback and warmer ( more full bodied ) cable with the Audio Research sp8...I would consider trying a few cables from the Cable company that might fit your issues...Cardas cables maybe.......
I had an SP8 for almost 20 years.The choice of tubes is important.It is a glorified Dynaco PAS III,actually,and it will never sound transparent.Try Mullards for the 12AX7s,and Siemens E83CCs for the 6922s.I tried many many different tubes-and those worked best.I had the MK. IV.
Click on Discussion Forums from the home page and scroll down to audio clubs. You might find something in Florida. Or try audioasylum.