Avalon Ascendants - How is the treble?

Avalon Ascendants are on my list of speakers to look into, but there aren't any nearby to listen to. (Houston, TX) From the few descriptions I've read, they sound like they would have lots of detail, and yet that they are somewhat laid back and non-fatiguing. My ears seem to be easily fatigued, especially by anything approaching brightness. I'm living fairly happily with some Harbeth M30's, but might enjoy something with a bit fuller and more detailed bottom end, in particular (although I recognize that different model Harbeths should be included in my "must listen before buying" mix). The Avalons seem like an intriguing mystery to me...very well regarded, but not a lot of concrete information about their sound. Anybody have any comments?
Avalon changed their design in the late 2006. I have only heard the older ones (with alu tweeter) and they indeed sounded somewhat laid back and non-fatiguing. I haven't hard the new Ascendants, but I wouldn't expect them to sound much different, since all Avalons sound like that.
I heard both models on same VTL setup (few months apart though) and the newer version is less polite and laid-back than the original, for the better IMHO. They still image like crazy but now the amount of details retrieved is greatly improved and translates into a more open and exciting sound - still Avalon right and relax though, not your average Cerwin Vega!!!! I like them A LOT.
If your needing more fullness and detailed bottom end, I recommend you consider keeping your M30's and add a REL sub. This would save you some money, and if your still not satisfied, REL and Harbeth's hold their value very well on the used market.
The harbeth has certain midrange that is quite difficult to acheive in other speakers.
Its quite magical due to the radial woofers.
I would recommend adding the Rel sub with the M30 before you ditch it. It might well be worth it.
The M30's are quite good, and I'm not sure I'll do anything. Part of my interest in the Avalons is because I've been very happy with Steve Huntley's work from Great Northern Sound. He's now done both an ARC LS-15 for me, and I just got back my Wadia 860 from him. He likes the Avalons, so I thought I should consider them, and turned to Audiogon for some advice. But I sure can't argue with anybody who says the Harbeth mid-range is quite something...as is the treble on the M30's, also.