Avalon Eidolon or Parsifal Encore

I currently own the Verity Audio Parsifal Encores and am perfectly happy with them. However, a long time ago I heared a phenomenally sounding pair of Avalon Radian HC's, so I am intruiged by the pair of Avalon Eidolon's that is currenlty listed on auction. If I can pick them up at the right price I would consider doing an in house shoot out against the Verities and keep what I like best. Obviously, besides the financial ramifications, this is a big hassle involving shipping heavy boxes coast to coast, so before I decide whether to bid an the Avalon's I am interested in any opinions on how these two speakers compare. I listen mostly to small acoustic ensemble music (right in the Verity's sweetspot), and I use 200 Wpc pure class A monoblocks. Any comments are welcome.
Thanks everyone, this has been extremely helpful.

Tom, I was just about to report I'll pass on the Eidolon's but now you got me thinking again - especially since like you the Avalon that really impressed me were Radian HC's 15 years ago.

If I pick up the listed Avalon's cheap my financial exposure is limited (I can easily resell my P/E for what I have into them), but I quite dread the logistics. I'll chew on it and make up my mind Sunday. I may just give them a try (unless I get outbid of course).

I do need to update my system page. I am now using the Modwright 36.5 LS/PS 2 chassis preamp, and upgraded my powerplant premier to 2x Powerplant P5, and I put the new Stillpoint ultras under my P/E and center channel.
Hi Edorr,

Just wanted to add that I thought the Eidolon in almost all regards is a significant step over the Radian HC and if you have the means to do it that you really owe it to yourself to give the Eidolon a try. I believe you will be shocked as I was .... and the dealer for that matter!

Should be an interesting comparison. After owning a zillion speakers, I bought a pair of Parisfal Encores 7 years ago and have never desired to purchase another speaker. Everything I've read about Avalons tells me they will be more tightly focused with amazing soundstage, tight, tuneful bass... in other words, the perfect speaker for fussy audiophiles.
OK guys, you convinced me. I will roll the dice and put in a bid on the Eidolon's. If I get them I'll report shoot out results in a few weeks time.
They fetched $9,300. More than I was willing to pay. Too bad, shootout will have to wait...