Avalon Eidolon or Parsifal Encore

I currently own the Verity Audio Parsifal Encores and am perfectly happy with them. However, a long time ago I heared a phenomenally sounding pair of Avalon Radian HC's, so I am intruiged by the pair of Avalon Eidolon's that is currenlty listed on auction. If I can pick them up at the right price I would consider doing an in house shoot out against the Verities and keep what I like best. Obviously, besides the financial ramifications, this is a big hassle involving shipping heavy boxes coast to coast, so before I decide whether to bid an the Avalon's I am interested in any opinions on how these two speakers compare. I listen mostly to small acoustic ensemble music (right in the Verity's sweetspot), and I use 200 Wpc pure class A monoblocks. Any comments are welcome.
Gigi, I would caution you from taking one persons evaluation on a product. Dozens of goners have very different opinions about the sound of the 5A.
The 5A Carbon is a significant step above the 5A but that doesn't change the fact that dozens of our customers get fantastic music from theirs, in fact one of them moved from Parsifal to 5A and is very happy. I recommend you take some of your own music and get a demo for yourself because they excel at dynamics at low levels. One advantage the 5A has is the subwoofer is completely adjustable, remember the loudness control and its purpose.
Cheers Johnnyr
Vandersteen Dealer
Eidolons will be delivered tomorrow. First impressions will be reported before the week-end. In depth shoot-out over the week-end.
Edorr, if the Eidolons have not been played for a while, please give them some time to break in before making a judgement. Even if these speakers were played extensively by the prior owner, if they've been sitting un-played for some weeks (or months), they will require at least 20-50 hours of actual music playing break-in before you will start hearing what they are capable of delivering.