Avantgarde Duos - right for me?

I just wanted some opinions on the Avantgarde Duos as an upgrade path for my system.

My system currently consists of Manley 300b monoblocks, Manley Shrimp preamp, Acoustic Zen speaker and interconnect cabling and Omega Superhemp single driver speakers.

Overall I have been pleased with this system and just love the strengths of an SET/single driver system. Very intimate, great speed and tone, fabulous midrange, etc.

What the system is unfortunately lacking still is big dynamics and deep bass. I have read good things about the Avantgarge Duos but I cant find a local place to audition these speakers first hand. At any rate, I would certainly be looking to buy these pricey speakers used on Agon.

Any opinions on how the Duos would sound with the Manley 300b monoblocks? How small is the "sweet spot" on the Duos? I ask this because I do a lot of entertaining and would ideally like a speaker that has a decent sized listening area. What sized room do the Duos need to sound right? My living room is 18x24. Are there any other high sensitivity speakers that would be better than the Duos?
The Avantgarde ssounded great at CES in a small room, mae the room seem much bigger than it was, delivered stunning bass, and was very impressive using about .25 wpc...yes, 250 milliwatts, and they were cranking. Try first if you can, but they were winners. They were being driven by the Avantgarde SS amp which matched very good. Jallen
I own a pair of Unos, which have a slightly smaller midrange horn, otherwise they are about the same as the Duos. The sound is incredible, these speakers work in a small room and in large rooms, great for all types of music, work with 2 watts or 200 watts. Your electronics and cables are fine for these speakers.
Hi Mike,

I have heard that the Duos are a slight improvement over the Unos in terms of the lower midrange to bass transitional area. Have you ever heard the Duo Omegas? What electronics are you using with your Unos?
Have never heard the omegas, but I have had many great speakers and my Unos are keepers.I have a accuphase dp75 cd player and a accuphase c290 preamp, and a art audio Diavalo amp and mit oracle speaker and interconnect cables.Pure musical magic.
Have you considered a vintage horn design such as the Klipschorns, or the Altec A7's? Both are fantastic sounding, though for SET the Klipsch might be better.