Axpona Shout Outs

Enjoyable show again this year. Two rooms really stood out to me, Carver and Austin Acoustics.

The Carver room really had something going for it, especially for a system that probably retails <$75k all-in. I had not heard the Amazing Line Source before and i wasn't sure what to expect. IMHO it didn't do everything, but what it did was executed very well. Speed and articulation in spades, maybe coming up short in tonality but that could have been source material.

Austin Acoustics is obviously "price no object" but holy moly.  I could have stayed in there all day. 

Maybe it was my imagination but it seemed like a wider range of music being played this year. Didn't hear Sera Una Noche once! 

I didn't make it to every room, curious if other attendees found real standouts over last year?

Magico S3 room was great. Odyssey. Salk speakers. Raidho with AAvik. Paradigm Persona. A few more favorites. Modwright/Daedalus. 

@schubert ,
I think I saw those figures on some rag's site. Not sure. It was about "which age group purchased how much % of the tickets" - roughly. Need to search.