Ayon Audio CD-5 versus CD-5s

What are the essential differences between the CD-5 and CD-5s? Has anyone heard one of the 5s units as yet?

Does Ayon have any plans to bring out a reference player like the CD-5/5s with built-in pre-amp that does SACD (2-channel) as well as Redbook CD?

128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xzephyr24069
Thanks for the response. I did see the new website update from Ayon. This player interests me quite a bit despite the fact I remain extremely happy with my Esoteric P-03U/D-03 stack. Bill Duddleston and Legacy in general as well as people like Doug Schroeder that I talk with and respect have nothing but good things to say about it. If things were different and I had a spare chunk of change to plunk down, I would seriously think about picking up the CD-5s and seeing if it was time to move on from separates and a separate pre-amp but things don't lend themselves to that type of experiment this year. Please let me know your impressions of the player once it arrives and you get it broken in. What other playback equipment have you utilized? Merry Christmas!
Hi Zephyr, I agree with your comments regarding Doug Schroeder who has posted on AG and is well respected/regarded on this forum. Fyi, there is another thread comparing the Esoteric X03SE to the previous model (CD-5) which might interest you - "Esoteric X03SE vs Ayon CD-2 or CD-5".

My first cd player was the classic JVC XL-Z1050 which used a front loading version of the Victor transport paired with a Vimak DS-1800Mk2 dac. The move up to the CD-5 was revelatory! Musical, dynamic, liquid/flowing sound and bullet proof build quality. What also surprised me about the CD-5 was how it's tube preamp paddled the backside of my previous pre-amp (the preamp section of my previous Classe Cap-2100). Improved bass was the first thing I noticed, but it was clearly better in every way.

Yes I will post back in this thread with my initial impressions, then put a more considered post up once the player has done 72hours on my Isotek cd (equivalent to 250-300hrs). I will also be playing in a brand new Modwright KWA-150 amp at the same time, so it wont exactly be apples vs apples, but given the MW is essentially neutral in character, the Ayon's character should still be easily detectable. Re: the upgrade board, send me a pm for details.
Thanks for the response, I'm considering upgrading from the CD2 to CD5 since I don't need XLR inputs.
Mel: Thanks for the feedback; I've heard the CAP-2100 and am sure you would be blown away by the differences sight unseen as that piece does not have a great pre-amp section; it always struck me as a bit flat up top, unrevealing in the mids and not enough depth and impact in the bass. By comparison, the Classe CP-700 I've had for several years is a whole other story and gives everything I was and still am looking for so it would be a great showdown. I'm also considering the Esoteric C-03 pre-amp. I've read that thread you are talking about on comparing the Esoteric and Ayon pieces. In this day and age there are many, great contenders for state of the art and yet musical playback and pre-amplification. Ah,...the pursuit/obsession never ends! I am keen to hear your feedback after the Isotek CD has run its course. I've found that CD to be a great resource...