Ayon Audio CD-5 versus CD-5s

What are the essential differences between the CD-5 and CD-5s? Has anyone heard one of the 5s units as yet?

Does Ayon have any plans to bring out a reference player like the CD-5/5s with built-in pre-amp that does SACD (2-channel) as well as Redbook CD?

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Hi Lula, I was probably being a bit unkind to the MPS-5. I have only heard that player in a friend's system and have not done a direct a/b comparison. Keep in mind my description of the MPS-5 as "cold" is in comparison to my Ayon CD-5s & Accuphase players which i'm familiar with. FWIW, I thought the PBD sounded very analogue, smooth & easy to listen to. Resolution was excellent. Ok, the PBD is the best cd player to your ears and preferances. At the end of the day, I think if you put 5 audiophiles in a room and lined up my modded CD-5s, an MPS-5 & DP-700, you'd get 5 different opinions. They are all great players.
To get full runin on the cd-5 s it will take a solid 300hrs .i have many years with big capacitors especially Munorf Silver oil, the unit will go through several changes ,and refinement just gets better.
Agreed, already the best digital I heard, I noticed a real nice, "shake your head its so good improvement" between 500 and 750 hours.
The best digital I have heard and this includes Berkeley-2
And Wiess dac 2,Skylla dac MK-2 or cd5s which is the same unit , and I let me add,this preamp section in this unit will better the majority iof preamps under $10k
it even did a head to head with Ayons Big $$ Polarus, it was not as good but not that far behind that is saying a lot. With this unit is uses Custom within 1% capacitors Made by Mundorf ,and the Rest all Mundorfs select models
and # Custom to Ayons specs Kitamura R core transformers a 4 tube Pure class A power supply as well as 2 6h30 super tubes per channel ,and what I consider the best dacs Ever
made the Burr Brown 1704K version ,2 per channel which are completely all hand calibrated and trimmed by laser.
This dac running through the Bryston player is a dream.
Analog at it's finest .There are still many people whom like records Not me .To have a whole flac file library with album are through a Ipad and a 1-T external usb hard drive it is increibly good by Any standard and IMO the Wiess is still great just not as musical and 3 dimentional the tubes and dac choice have a lot to do with this .
Since the Skylla 2 does not have toomuch for reviews read the CD-5 and the S model is the latest and better in every way. If buiding a system you can get a very good deal at Ayon U.S.A for this dac then buy the bryston
no more fussing with cds ,it did take me over a month to put 500+ cds. DB Power amp is a great program to setup and burn your library to the HD .Also you can use thumb drives take a dozen cds and play them just plug in and go while you are building the HD library so life still goes on in the process .I was intimidated at first but don't be and Chris at Bryston helps with any problems or questions you may have , once done you will Never look back and as you all may have read the Bryston player is the future today
Completely Solid state No moving parts, No noise and the rest is clear ,natural sounding music and Hi rez files
up to 24/192 are growing for resolution never heard before .
It becomes tiring when aspiring reviewers and Industry types repeat too much of what has already been covered in reviews, or can be found on Ayon's website. Good to hear of your first hand experience running the CD-5s as dac. I'm sure Chris at Bryston & Ayon USA would appreciate the plug.