Ayon Audio CD-5 versus CD-5s

What are the essential differences between the CD-5 and CD-5s? Has anyone heard one of the 5s units as yet?

Does Ayon have any plans to bring out a reference player like the CD-5/5s with built-in pre-amp that does SACD (2-channel) as well as Redbook CD?

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Melbguy1, thank for all your advise and info, I also own cd-5s and very happy with its sound and the pre-amplifier section in this unit is very good. I sold my ARC ref-3 pre-amp after buying ayon cd-5s. Melbguy1 I got yu advise and changed tubes to NOS 6h30p-dr. Parts connections sells 1986 for $80-90 a pair and they can do matching quad. Very worthy upgrade. Thank you.
I have one question so. My amplifier 3 month old Krell 302E) has input impendence of 100k ohm thru RCA and 200k ohm thru XLR. Using the XLR connection from Ayon to Krell, every time pressing play button on Ayon (starting or re-starting CD) I hear very audible metallic “ping” sound coming form a speaker’s tweeters. Also the sound becomes noisy on loudly recorded cds. Again noise coming from tweeters. . This is not happening using RCA. Is that attributed to a high gain krell is getting using XLR outs?
In both cases I drive krell directly from ayon. The low or high gain switch on ayon does not affect that “ping” sound. Any input will be highly appreciated. Thank you.
Hi Melbguy,

A quick word of advice would eb appreciated, I have had a CD1s for 18 months or so alongside an Origin Live TT which I think is fab. I recently upgraded my pre/power to the excellent Lamm L2/M1.2 reference, as a result my vinyl replay sounds even better but the 'gap' with the CD has got bigger. I am therefore considering a 'final' (haha) upgrade to my CD and thinking of the CD5s, however I am paying for the in built pre amp which will be redundant and do you feel it will give me the substantial upgrade I am looking for. I am a long way from an Ayon dealer so a demo is not possible, any advice greatfully received including if I should look at any other CD's in this range but use my Lamm pre eg. AR CD08
Thanks Mike
Hi denon

I think the prices you quoted from parts connections are 4 years old. The current price is about $210 a pair.


Did you ever had success with the ayon/kwa150 combo?

Melb, I bought those tubes a 2 month ago with 20% discount. It cost me about $360 (extra charge for matched quad) with shipping from Canada. I sudjest you contact them and see what they can do.
Hi Denon.

You will find a lot of your questions if you email Ayon and ask for an updated instruction book. They have added a section warning about some high powered amps and xlr cables. The updated instruction book only became available last month.

$360 for a quad pair of tubes seems about right. But you mentioned $89-90 for a matched pair in your post.

Also did you upgrade the 6z4 tubes? On the old cd5 I think they were 6x4 tubes. Can someone confirm?