Ayon Audio Forum- all questions and suggestion

Since there has been quite a bit of questions of upgrades and speaker synergy and tubes, some of us Ayon Owners decided to start a little thread.

Questions of how,what,when and have are all welcome

Have Fun and Be Positve !
Hi Jarraa, I am using an Acoustic Revive RST-38 board under my CD-5s. Although the CD-5s (like all Ayon products) is well isolated, being a tube component with moving parts it will benefit from further isolation. I didn't do back to back comparisons with and without the AR board, but I sense there is greater transparency, and a smoother more organic sound with the RST-38 board. It is really unique in that rather than using inferior layers of granite, glass or composite materials, AR are using granules of natural crystal to achieve opposing goals. Ie: reduced distortion/noise & higher resolution and warm, smooth, organic sound at the same time. Highly recommended!
Melbguy1, thank you for informing us about the RST-38 board from AR. Does this board comes in standard size. Does ayonc cd-5s perfecty fits on it? Whta it retails for? Any dealer recommendation will be appreciated.
Thank you.
Well Denon i'm not going to mention where I bought my RST-38 board, i've had to learn that lesson the hard way. The board is a standard size (482Wx38Hx382Dmm) which is a perfect fit for the CD-5/CD-5s imho. The outer edge of the feet sits a mil or two inside the outer edge of the top board. I found (one) website which listed the board @$1100.00US. If you look around you may find a better price. But even at that price, it is good value when you consider the price of RIQ-501OW feet & the huge amount of natural crystal supplied with this board.
Hi Ayon owners!

I own a nice Orion integrated.

Quick questions please:

With KT-88 tubes, manual says biasing 450mv, however an Ayon tech rep tells me 430mv is better...any comments?

Also, they tell me that 6550's should not be used as they are ''lower voltage'' tubes. I understand some Ayons users are using the 6550 anyways, biasing value on those?

I can't comment on the 430mv vs 450mv question. However, I've been running a variety of 6550s in my Spirit II for some time now. Bias them to 450mv as well and have encountered no problems from this. In fact, I am very pleased with the sonic attributes of the 6550s paired with the Spirit.
