Ayon Audio Forum- all questions and suggestion

Since there has been quite a bit of questions of upgrades and speaker synergy and tubes, some of us Ayon Owners decided to start a little thread.

Questions of how,what,when and have are all welcome

Have Fun and Be Positve !
@ Gammajo,Hi, i will be useing a taralabs zero gold i/c on the 2s player and a tara cabolt a/c power cord on it as well,with a coper berllium receptical dedicated line,if this does not get every ounce of sound out of ayon,nothing will!cheers!
Hi, everybody. I have a question - is it my bad luck or it is the way with Ayon gear, CD5s in particular - The amount of noise I am getting caused some serious sleep deprivation on my part. First, I was shocked in the good way - running it directly to my VAC Phi200 , balanced and as CD player. Silent as a tomb. Hit play- this infamous ping ( fine with me, well explained phenomenon in the manuals) - and then pretty loud tube rush hissing and my seating distance is Three And A half Meters! And I thought my Aesthetix Janus was noisy! Comparing with what I am getting from Ayon , it is practically undetectable ( unless you are about one ft from the speaker). Same with both analog inputs, as well as USB input. Noise, noise, noise!!! Plus some unfortunate groundloop humming, not strong, but still there. Well, I forgot about these unpleasantries long time ago and didn't have any ground hum issues in my system and it is new to me and very upsetting,
Im gonna try tomorrow with RCA outputs directly to amp again, but , honestly, don't know what to expect. Ok, sorry for the long story. my question is this - is it how it is with Ayon or something's wrong with my unit/ setup/ amp input impedance/ etc? I have BIG hope that it's latter and fixable. Bad tubes, may be? Unit is about 2rs old and in perfect condition ... I'd greatly appreciate your help, guys...
Hi, everybody. I have a question - is it my bad luck or it is the way with Ayon gear, CD5s in particular - The amount of noise I am getting caused some serious sleep deprivation on my part. First, I was shocked in the good way - running it directly to my VAC Phi200 , balanced and as CD player. Silent as a tomb. Hit play- this infamous ping ( fine with me, well explained phenomenon in the manuals) - and then pretty loud tube rush hissing and my seating distance is Three And A half Meters! And I thought my Aesthetix Janus was noisy! Comparing with what I am getting from Ayon , it is practically undetectable ( unless you are about one ft from the speaker). Same with both analog inputs, as well as USB input. Noise, noise, noise!!! Plus some unfortunate groundloop humming, not strong, but still there. Well, I forgot about these unpleasantries long time ago and didn't have any ground hum issues in my system and it is new to me and very upsetting,
Im gonna try tomorrow with RCA outputs directly to amp again, but , honestly, don't know what to expect. Ok, sorry for the long story. my question is this - is it how it is with Ayon or something's wrong with my unit/ setup/ amp input impedance/ etc? I have BIG hope that it's latter and fixable. Bad tubes, may be? One of the reviews mentioned something like" music playing from the blackest background" or " the unit was dead quiet" and such, in other words, obviously, the reviewer meant that there were no issues with tube rush hissing, ground loop humming, etc whatsoever... Unit is about 2rs old and in perfect condition ... I'd greatly appreciate your help, guys...
Any suggestions for a music server to pair with Ayon cd5s? Any audible preferences among the various digital inputs?
I have an Ayon CD-07.

Can someone give me instructions on how to change the tubes, as I am unsure how to open the unit.

I have requested the information from the Ayon USA distributor, but so far nothing has been forthcoming.
