Ayon Audio Forum- all questions and suggestion

Since there has been quite a bit of questions of upgrades and speaker synergy and tubes, some of us Ayon Owners decided to start a little thread.

Questions of how,what,when and have are all welcome

Have Fun and Be Positve !
@Fluffers, Regarding tubes, imho the mil-spec Reflektor 6H30P-DR tubes manufactured before 1991 are the best made & sounding variant of the 6H30 triode. They were designed and built for sensitive Soviet space & military applications, so they were built to much tighter tolerances & have roughly double the life of standard 6h30's. The DR's sound more dynamic, clear, and have better top and bottom extension. They are a little less 'tubey' than the EB's, so if you prefer a warmer sounding tube I would alternatively recommend cryo-treated Electro Harmonix 6h30pi gold pins from these guys - http://www.cryoset.com/catalog/product_info.php?products_id=327&osCsid=55a74bb6af3690e43bb526df35f00cb9
Hi fluffers,The nos 6h30p-dr russian tubes are well worth the money,get pre-1987 really exspensive,the parts connection,transparency,huge sound stage,layered front to back,etc... a huge up-grade over your stock tubes!cheers!
Fluffers. I totally agree with melbguy1 and audiolabyrinth. I am running the Reflektor 6H30P-Dr tubes from 1980 from USA Tube Audio and it was a great upgrade over stock and worth the money to me clearly. A friend also recommended over the stock tubes, the Premium gold pin version of Sovtek 6H30Pi super twin triode from PCX. I have not heard but did purchase as back up because they are very inexpensive.
@ Gammajo,Hi,I have not run into you for a while,how have you been?,have you tried changing the fuses in the Ayon 5S?,Melbguy1 taught me that changing the fuses works great!,He recommended synerjestic research,He is out standing with his recommendations for eanything that will improve Ayon digital!cheers!
Argol : I have the same problem with my Ayon CD5, ground loop with noise in the speakers..I have had Two differents Thresholds amplifiers (SA3.9e and then SA/6) and I sold them thinking they were not compatible with my system. It turns out that the amps worked perfectly and the buyers are perfectly happy with. I suspected then my preamp (Joule Electra), but after testing on an other system, this preamp is dead silent..So..The guilty one is the CD5.

Two days ago I had a strange bug : everything was dead silent, when I pushed "play" on the CD5 I had immediately gound noise in the speakers, pushing "stop" and the noise was gone..I did it several times and always the same.
I was with XLR cables and checked the cables, the pins (1,2,3), everything was normal...So I switched to RCAs and everything was OK again.

There's something not totally clear with the Ayon CD5 and its compatibility with other gears. I'm very sad to have sold these collectors Thresholds as they turn out to work perfectly, but not with the Ayon.

I'll receive soon new power amps (a pair of GamuT M200MKIII - also collectros amps), but this time if there's something wrong, they will stay at home and the CD5 will leave.