Ayon Audio Forum- all questions and suggestion

Since there has been quite a bit of questions of upgrades and speaker synergy and tubes, some of us Ayon Owners decided to start a little thread.

Questions of how,what,when and have are all welcome

Have Fun and Be Positve !
@ Melkior,, Yes, The ole hum!, You have to use shielded cable for the xlr on the Ayon digital players or this will happen to the sound, I have no issues like that,my cable is shielded and has a ground to chassis to the Ayon!,, what was the difference in sound to you with the 6h30p-Dr tubes compaired to the stock 6h30BE tubes?,, cheers!
Hello :-)

Sorry, too much work this week !

You know the price for 6H30DR 3 years ago was much lower than today, but I'll check soon when I receive the 6C4P and open the Ayon :-)
The DR version has a little more of everything, that's the way I would describe this tube, compared to stock 6H30, it's not a complete change (which would be surprising) but just an improvement. With some resolving systems and speakers, this becomes more obvious, lower details rise from the background and the shape of sounds is more defined with better dynamics.
Tubes to my experience (at least for preamp tubes) are OK after 50 to 100 hours, they can improve a little more untill 200 hours.
Unfortunately even with shielded cables I have problems with XLR connection, whatever is the input impedance of the amp. So I use RCAs, it's OK, if necessary I can use the small SPL Volume2 as XLR preamp/volume control, it solves the bug (which is surprising also).
@ Melkior, I am glad you affixed your issue with the Ayon,,, sounds like I will get a better bang for the buck with a $5,000.00 a/c power cord than the tube up-grade!,right now, the player sounds like its coming into its own with break-in, If you were here, you would shake your head and say I need nothing!, The Taralabs zero gold and omega gold has put this player at a level of performance that I do not believe it was designed for!, stunning!,, cheers!
Guys- I have a cd-5- IF I just anted to use it as a transport- can I and how would I hook it up to a preamp- thanks
@ Bopper, Hi,flip the toggle switch on back of player from direct to amp to nomal, then use your supplied remote and mash the vol select button and go from volume to fixed volume, this will set the player to full signal for use with a pre-amp, then you experiment with the gain toggle switch on back of player from low gain to high gain, to see what best matches the pre-amp you are useing,to be able to hear what the best match would be is to turn the volune very loud on the pre-amp with the gain on back of your ayon on high gain, if the sound is not clear, then switch the gain back to low gain for a better sound, this varys with different pre-amps,,, cheers!