Ayon Triton Integrated or Keep my BAT?

Hello All-

Anyone have experience with the Ayon Triton Integrated Amp?


I'm considering upgrading my BAT VK-300SE and this integrated looks pretty interesting. Not much chatter here on the unit but there were favorable comments coming out of RMAF. My BAT is currently driving Dali MS4s and my souces are a Modwright Transporter and a Basis 2500 Signature TT (Vector3/Shelter 90x/GNSC-EAR 834P). Audience AU24e all around. So what say you A'goners?

I purchased my Ayon Triton in October 08 and I own the Escalante Design Freemont speakers. WOW! The Triton amplifier is for sure the best amplifier I have ever owned and I have owned some heavy hitters, all tube gear of course. I upgraded from the Spirit model and it is incredible, a beast of a unit, dynamic impressive soundstage that will blow you away. Transparent & three dimensional. You can use the Triton in Triode mode or Pentode mode, Pentode mode with my Freemonts is absoulutely incredible, tight accurate fast bass, fluid mids & the highs are super smooth & sweet. The Triton is worth the money. If you can afford it buy it.
:) J
Encouraging reports guys. I expect to have the Triton in two weeks, and I'm looking forward to the shootout with my BAT integrated. Sounds like the BAT will be facing some stiff competition!
I agree with Audio852, every word of it. I also have Escalante Design Freemont loudspeakers and love listening to them with the Triton in Pentode. Simply amazing.
Hey Guys-

The Ayon Triton has landed! I just finished uppacking the triple box and positioning it on the stand to beging the thawing process. Kinda cold here in the Washington, DC suburbs (12 miles from the White House). The unit is much bigger that I expected and it definitely looks all business! The BAT - Ayon faceoff will begin this weekend. Stay tuned...
Tonight I had time to do some side-by-side listening with the BAT and Ayon. The Ayon reminded me of everything I liked about tube amplification - smoother & fuller tone, along with a more spacious presentation. The Ayon also reminded me of the drawbacks I've experienced with tubes - bass that tends to be a little too fat & slow, and a less resolved presentation across the frequency spectrum. I'm really surprised how well the BAT hung in there with the Ayon. I expected the Ayon to smoke the BAT, but it didn't. Too early for conclusions but it looks like the BAT will be putting up a fight. More to come...