Ayre balanced interconnects

Has anyone got experience with Ayre balanced interconnects ?
I tested an Ayre XLR in my Ayre system and found it quite boring (good and open mids, but highs a bit grainy and base a bit dull). My favourite Cardas is still the Golden Cross, which I even prefer over the Golden Reference. The GC is a bit more colorating then the other 2 but to me it has a better flow and is simply more musical.
If I have to choose for a neutral cable I would prefer other brands. Of course it's a matter of taste.
I'd second what Frankpiet said about the importance of system context. From my limited experience, I'd say that cable strengths/weaknesses are really system-dependent. I use a bunch of Ayre gear w/ Thiel 2.3's in an acoustically live room (under-damped); previously Cardas Golden Cross reduced some of the brightness/thinness I heard. Ayre folks have told me that the Ayre i-c's are more or less in between typical Cardas and Audioquest cables in their balance.

Since adding an Ayre L5xe power filter to my system, and transfering most of my gear from a generic wooden rack to a Solid Tech Rack of Silence (both excellent additions), the Ayre cable now sounds just right- but I've heard the Audioquest Cheetahs (which I also have, but are currently a bit thin in the mid's for my system) used in systems w/ Vandersteen 5A speakers, and my sense is that they might work best w/ Ayre gear and Vandersteens.
I had all Audioquest cables in my Ayre system. Then tried the Cardas GR and then the GC cables. I didnt care for either of them in my system (veiled, slow, forward and just not what I was looking for) and have now gone back to all Audioquest cables.(Panthers, Cheetahs, and Mont Blanc Speaker cable) The audioquests really seem to open everything up and offer an excellent soundstage. I doubt I will venture farther than up the AQ line any time soon.