B&W 801 crossovers

I am debating buying tube crossovers. I have a pair of B#W 801 speakers and was wondering what type of crossover or just have the speaker crossovers rebuilt. If rebuilt who?
Can anybody advise how to remove casters on 801 series 2. They don't want to just pull out. They were repaired some time ago under warranty and I was given the choice of series 3 tweeters for the cost of one tweeter. How can I check if the APOC has been bypassed? Does anyone know what the part #'s are for upgraded caps and can a rookie make the change?
Thanks. Can't give them up.
Vivant - I have S3's - the orignal castors have threads so need to be unscrewed.

To Poloman:

Hello. Which of the caps did you replace with Sonicap and Dayton? Did you replace all of the caps or just a selected? Here is a scheme on the 15th and 16th pages http://www.bwgroup-support.com/downloads/techmanuals/bw/Matrix%20801%20S2-TM.pdf

Thank a lot and all the best,
Artem, Berlin.

I have not been inside of any of the upper end B&W, so I've not posted on this until artsensiva posted the crossover schematics....
These crossovers are well thought out in general design,  but the mid tweeter has a protection circuit that has zeners and switch's both in it,  these are very audible,  same with the woofer. The crossover points are at 380 on bottom and 3k on top, The tweeter rolls @ 24db per octave, the mid runs up and down at 12db per octave and the woofer is crossed up at 24db per octave.  Unless the drivers are fragile,  I would not use such a circuit on any of my own speakers.  Next,  they are spec'd with 100 volt mylar parts.  These are quite inferior to even low end to decent Poly prop today.  The compensation circuitry is well thought out,  So............  I would recommend bypassing the protection circuitry and replacing the caps with some quality 400 + volt parts.... Good Luck,  Tim