B&W 805 Diamond vs 805 Siganture

Has anyone had a chance to directly compare these speakers? I love my 805S, but I am wondering if I should upgrade...
Enjoy your new speakers and let me know what you think...

Regards and good listening.
Talk2me enjoy your new speakers, but you will need a very good amp to reveal the beauty of your new speakers. They really like high current and high volumes.
Nemesis1218 I compared them side by side. Diamond tweeter is way better then the standart one. 805d have a more refine sound IMO. But considering the price, is it worth it? really good question. If you like monitors try Dynaudio Confidence C1 IMO.
What are you "current"ly running for speakers? What is your dream speaker from what you've heard so far?
Sorry found it: Dynaudio Sapphires for Altanpsx
Did you happen to hear the 804Ds as well? Thoughts?