B&W N803 versus Dynaudio Contour 3.4

I am in the final stages of making a speaker decision. It has been approximately 15 years since I last bought speakers and would like to get a decent set around $5000 which I plan to keep for a few years. I am down to the B&W N803's and Dynaudio Contour 3.4's. Honestly, I cannot decide. I like both sets. This is a great forum with very informed individuals and I would like your input. Which of these two do you like best and why? Why would I want to purchase one set over the other? I am putting together a combo HT and stereo system in the same room. I will use them about 60-40, HT versus music. If it matters my room is app. 19X20 with 16ft ceilings. Thanks in advance for your input.
If you buy used, you can probably get a pair of Nautilus
802's for around $5,000. I like the 803's, but if I were
buying B & W, I'd rather have 802's. I've never heard the
Contour 3.4's so I can't help you there.

I owned most of the B&WMatrix and a few Nautilus, and currently own both the Dynaudio Special25 & the Dynaudio S3.4's...

here's my review of the S3.4 if you are interested.

Dyn & B&W
I got the N803s and the smaller HTM (can't remember if they're HTM1 or HTM2) for a HT setup. I liked the Dynaudios too. But for me the B&Ws were more subtle sounding, less metalic. Plus my wife liked the look of them and they don't have a flat top to put nick nacks on. Plus my brother-in-law runs B&Ws (Matrix) and he was a pro musician. Either way I think you're looking at awesome speakers, but I would second another poster in saying that used N802s are up another fairly clear notch in the sonic spectrum.
Lucynbarney - I find it interesting that you would describe any Dynaudio product more metallic than N803's. My ears tell me the exact polar opposite. It's worth noting that it could be the associated equipment and/or setup introducing a metal or a non-metal sound in either speakers you auditioned.