B&W Nautilus 800.....where's the bass?

Is it a well known fact that these speakers lack bass? I just bought them used...two years old....and am very dissappointed in the low end. My CDM 9 NT rears have more bass than these. No kidding. Is this a known problem with this speaker, or could there be something wrong? Since the 9's and the 800's are playing at the same time on the same system I do not think there is any need to list the equipment, but I will just in case it matters.
Sunfire Theatre Grand 2 processor ( all speakers are set to large)
Denon 3910 CDP
Adcom 300 by 7 ( 800's are bi amped with four of the channels.....phase is correct)
speaker wire is 14 guage in a very thick outside jacket
Thanks for your help.
Someday the B&W will officially join the ranks of Bose. Overpriced and hyped speakers that are easily bested by cheaper speakers by lesser known brands.
>>I am well known in the audio world for many years<<

Are you as well known for your humility?
I remember being at a B&W dealer and listening to the N803, and after a couple of minutes I'm getting into the groove and liking the sound well enough. I look over and see this big B&W subwoofer sitting on the side. I ask the dealer if the sub is on? "No." I listen some more, it doesn't sound right. I go over and put my hand on the sub, it is on after all. "Woops!" The dealer sets it up right, and then it is clear why he was trying to sneak the sub in. Flat lifeless bass - not musical at all.
>>Flat lifeless bass - not musical at all.<<

Ah yes, the B&W sonic signature. Glorious huh?
When you have tried and compared many loudspeakers, amps, cables of many brands, sources, conditioners etc you understand what they can do in a system. When you talk to a person about his system and what he ( and sometimes a she ) wants to change you use the properties of all the brands there are to find that sound that person is looking for. Because with the right combination of equipment that person will be satisfied and will listen to Music for many hours. Instead of listenig to equipment and looking for the sound you are looking for. ( all those years ) Music will touch your hart when you understand the art of making the right combination.....