Bad Tube in an Audible Illusion M3A

After using an Audible Illusion M3A preamp for over three years I finally had a tube go bad. I noticed a loud whoosh in the right channel and traced it to the phono section. By swapping the tubes between left and right I discovered it was the tube on the right side causing the noise. The tube had only about 300 hours on it.

I've had tubes that I replaced because the highs diminished, I have a tube in an amp that rattles when it powers up, but I've never had a tube get noisy. Why does a tube do this? It would seem the tube would short out or just stop working.

In hindsight I shouldn't complain, this is the first tube I've had go bad in the M3A!
For what it's worth... I only use my AIM3A as a line stage, so in the phono section I put Tungsram 6922's and in the line stage I use 60's Siemans CCA's. I've had them in there over 2 years now and they still sound amazing. Am I the only one who's had luck with this preamp? I just haven't had any problems yet. Knock on wood...
I have had the same grey pillar CCa's in my M3A for 5yrs and have NEVER turned the unit off or placed it on standby. It's the people that use standby and/or power their M3A's off that say it eats tubes. Just leave it on.
Yes Myself have owned several A.I. preamps. NOS the unit can burn out very fast, Like the time I had a loud humm in 1 channel popped the top to find a amperex with the glass brokem away from the base. Might have been the vintage though :)
Thanks for all the replies, but I was really asking why a tube becomes noisy and doesn't just go out? What causes the noise?
