barometric level change ?

gentlemen- have any of you encountered a phenomenon where you have felt your ears tighten at high sound levels, like your ears were going to pop ?
no, my sound pressure metre was reading "only" about 91 db peaks. surprisingly the sound was anything but harsh. i think the track was on sara k's fleetwood mac's remix.
Hi Mw...; Haven't had your experience, but long term listening above about 80 t0 85 dBs (depending on who you read) can cause long term hearing loss. Save your ears. Craig.
I seem to recall something in college that spoke about the human ear being able to "push back" against sound pressure levels that it found uncomfortable. It might be interesting to go a web site about such topics and see if this could be a factor (the situation you are describing). I am not certain how this could be, but I think it has to do with the tiny bones in the inner ear that provide the linkage to the eardrum. In any event, don't rely on your sound pressure meter, do as Garfish says (and perhaps as your ears are warning) turn it down a bit and save them for the long term.
I find that when I run my air conditioner it produces a positive pressure in the house, and it seems to affect the sound quality. I don't know if it's in my ear, or at the speaker.???
Mwalsdor, best let your family doctor look in your ears first. It might just be a case of too much wax distorting & dampening every sound that tries to reach your tympanum. Cadman, you have a very interesting problem. Have you ever measured the +ve pressure? It should not affect free standing diaphragms like electrostatics or planars. Guess only totally sealed woofer boxes would be affected, and to lesser extend the ported boxes be affected. Please post soon as you know the pressure at which your sound is audibly degraded. As a possible quick solution, suggest you leave a small vent open somewhere in your listening room when running the aircon to prevent pressure built up. Good luck.