BDP 93 or BDP 95? More slam dunks from OPpo?

With the BDP 95s initial release date upcoming next month, I’ve a couple questions for anyone in the know as to the ’93 or ‘95s performance.

I own a BDP 83 and like the idea of the new BDP 93s networking of file playback, the allowance of NTFS formatted discs, ESATA, file formats like FLAC being accepted…. And reputedly a better video chip set, and a better audio DAC as in the 95.

Does the Oppo BDP 95 appear to be another winner from Oppo, or does it seem to be only a little bit more than a modest effort to engage the audio hobbyist into foregoing any thoughts of a dedicated audio disc player and sticking with a single universal player instead? A one size fits all worth buying solution?

I’m not familiar with the Ess audio DAC the 95 is going to use, nor am I familiar with how well the Rotel transformer will play into this topography. Nor am I really up on why the switch from the Anchor Bay video chipset to this new type?

Am I reading the specs right in that the 95 can also be used as an input to the ESS DAC from some other digital source?

Performance gains in the BDP 95 seems to hinge primarily on the new ESS audio DACs, and Rotel transformer, along with the balanced connections. Does all of this equate to a great player? A no brainer pick in this category of near $1K universal players?

Or from another angle…. Assuming both the 93 & 95 are superior to the 83, does the ’95 seem to support it’s added near $500 cost over that of the BDP 93?

BTW…. Playback of BR 3D video and/or watching streaming video from BB or Netflicks doesn’t appeal to me at all.

Consequently, I’m torn between selling my 83 and buying either the 93 or 95.

Any help setting me straight on these two players is immensely appreciated.
This doesn't answer your question, but I have a BDP-93. When my kids ordered a movie from Blockbuster on Demand, the e-mail receipt indicated that the movie was purchased from either an Oppo BDP-93, BDP-95 or BDP-97. This was the first time I'd seen any mention of a BDP-97. Anyone know anything about a 97?

BDP 97?

could be Oppo was just reserving a place up the road and registered another slot for some possible forthcoming model... well in advance.
I believe that 95 comes to fill the "audiophile gap" 93 has left behind, with dedicated stereo analog outputs, and even balanced ones.
I'm sure modders will embrace the 95 which will have all the prerequisites to become a truly universal machine, capable of replacing computer-based audio front ends systems as well.
95 doesn't seem to expose its internal DACs to external transports, I haven't seen any digital inputs, but it will be capable of playing the music files directly from the attached external hard drive(s). It accepts FLAC...
I won't give up my 83 for the 95 because I already have a dedicated computer-based music system in a different room, built around W4S DAC2, but if I didn't I would definitely give 95 a good look. Maybe, as is, stock, it won't dislodge the W4S, but with mods...
93 didn't attract me for it didn't even have dedicated stereo outputs, but 95? A totally different perspective...