BEHOLD - digital gear from Germany

So has anyone had the opportunity to listen to the digital preamp and amp. combination from Behold? They've been getting a lot of traction at Stereotimes and a few honorable mentions on Soundstage!
If you've heard it: how does it compare to the other digital offerings available, or for that matter, how does compare to all the long-standing analog products on the market??
Since when did the environment become so hostile at Audiogon?

Doesn't appear to be any more hostile than other times when threads of this sort come up.

I've never used Audiogon to actively plug our products.

Sure you just did two days this thread.

And if did, what would be the problem with that.

Is it becoming apparent yet?

We'll skip some of your other comments for times sake.

but I did like this one...

People who are new to this hobby are going to read threads like this and not want to participate in what should be an embracing welcoming dialog for fear of being thrashed. That's a shame.

Actually...people will read threads like this and will then get a good lesson on how to read between the lines here at Agon and will see an excellent example of how dealers/manufacturers can actually hurt their potential business when jumping into a thread solely for "damage control" purposes.
just heard the behold amp and preamp a couple of days ago , at a reviewer's place in nyc, and all i could say was :wow!!!

really terrific stuff. very expensive, but , i, personally ,never heard music and sound rendered in such a way! very ,very impressive stuff!
This is a ridiculous thread. Not the initial inquiry but the followup postings. I have twice heard the Behold equipment now at the RMAF and THE Show. All can really say is that in both cases the room had one of the best, if not the best, sounds at the shows.

I doubt if I would take the jump into and entire digital to the amp system as I love vinyl, but there is little denying that all digital can sound excellent. Also the costs of this system are beyond where I am willing to spend.

I initially went to the Behold suite as Laufer Teknik is also the importer of the Halcyonics. These too are quite expensive active isolation devices. In this case I will adamantly say that nothing else even approaches what they do under sources, such as turntables and cd players, as well as under amps. I dearly wish that I could have them under everything in my system.

Manufacturers are permitted to post on Audiogon and fortunately so. Some who have been critical of this thread live in glass houses in terms of their own self interests. The price of European goods is high today because of the weak dollar, but that should not preclude discussions of quality components. All I would strongly suggest is that those who cannot conceive of buying these components realize that some can and may want to share their experiences.
i couldn't agree more with tbg... dealers and importers play a vital role in this hobby, and as long as they disclose ,upfront ,their position and profession, i'd welcome their feedback.

isn't it what it's all about? sharing opinions and experiences? c'mon people ,can't we all just get along?