Behringer DEQ2496 - wow

Has anyone forked over the $300 for this unit? I was using a Z-Systems RDQ-1 between my CD transport and preamp, and decided to try the Behringer mainly because it has 10 channels of parametric EQ vs four for the Z-Systems. I cannot tell a difference in sound quality between the Behringer (digital in-out only... the DACS might not be of the highest quality) and the many times more expensive Z-Systems. In fact, the Behringer is much better ergonomically and has many more features than the Z-Systems. It also has an auto EQ mode which I tried, but prefer to trust my own ears. The Behringer does not have the kind of build quality that the Z-Systems has (the Behringer is very light), but it works very well, and am amazed at the number of features it has and how inexpensive it is. By the way I'm using the unit in a very high-end audio system. I'm curious what others have experienced with this unit. It seems like an incredible value to me.
Slight correction: the second sentence should read "It them makes a series of adjustments...",
I posted a review on the DEC2496. It worked so well for the front channels of my multichannel system, that I bought a second one for the rears.

IMHO, this unit is an example of how pro sound equipment, at reasonable cost, is rapidly approaching high end performance. High end manufacturers may still have a slight advantage, but must realize that the free ride is over.

Smeyers...I used to do the Rives audio disc and RS meter thing. The autoeq feature of the DEQ2496 is much better, and takes about 2 minutes vs an hour. If you don't want flat response, you can set in the "target" response for the autoeq to work to. Also, the "Room Corr" feature provides the high frequency tilt that you mention, and which I also like.
Are you users using (tongue twister) the dac function on the behringer also or a different dac?
You might be right about the autoeq feature being better... but then again why do you think that? One of the problems I see with the autoeq feature is it's use of the graphic eq for correction. The graphic eq has predefined center frequences which cannot be adjusted. Since there are only 31 of them, it cannot get very precise as to the frequency being adjusted. The parametric eq has a much finer range of adjustments.
Bill, I am not using the Behringer DAC's. Although I have not confirmed this, the internal DAC's might not be the highest quality. I am passing the digital output of the Behringer to a high-end surround-sound processer/preamp with it's own internal DAC's.