Bel Canto DAC 1 Upgrade

Here is a copy of the email I recieved from Bel Canto inquiring as to new upgrade for those interested: "Yes, upgrades are now available. Return your unit with a note requesting the upgrade, include a return shipping address with a check for $150.00. We will complete the upgrade in a couple of days. Regards, Michael " Guess they have to keep up with that Full Nelson on the MSB. Charlie
boy I hate that. Just when you're in the middle of a thought what do you do, you hit the wrong key ...... HEAR something it should be quite apparent. At least to me. I don't want to struggle to discern minute differences. Could you clearly hear an improvement in DYNAMICS which is suppose to be a significant improvement in the upgrade and to my ears an area that the Bel Canto could well improve on.
I will get back to you after I do some additional listening. I say this because I use it with my Cary 2A3 monoblocks (5 watts/ch.) and a Conrad Johnson 11-A (70 watt). I only tried it last night on the CJ. I wll know what there is to hear after I demo both amps. Later tonignt!
All right boys and girl, here is what I hear using the upgraded Bel Canto Dac-1; All music (individual instuments, hand held percussion, bass including vocals) are more detailed, have a richer more dimensional sound with better resolution and body. I listened to 8 cd's I know extreamly well and heard small details that I never heard before. It was also as if a layer had been peeled off and I was closer to the music (this happens to me every time I make a significant upgrade). Please keep in mind this is a game of diminishing returns, for me it was worth the $150 plus one way shipping and insurance. I am happy with the upgraded Bel Canto Dac-1. Others of course mignt feel differently. I have not had the oppertunity to compare the Dac-1 to any competitor other than the Birdland Dac (send me other Dac's and I will do an A/B comparison)! Components used: Salamander archetype 5.0/Megaspikes, Chang Lightspeed 6400, Audio Points on all components, Silver Audio Symphony 48 speaker cable, Klipsch KLF 30 Series Towers (102 dB), Silver Audio Appassionata interconnects, Cary 94 Pre-amp/Silver Audio Power Burst PC, Wadia #20 Transport/Black Mamba PC, Illuminations D-60 digital cable, Bel Canto Dac-1/Black Mamba PC, Cary SE 2A3 Monoblocks (5 watts per ch)/Eel Reference PC and/or Conrad-Johnson 11-A amp. I hope this is helpful!
Thanks Lak. It appears that there is an improvement and for 150 clams sounds as though it might be worth it. One question though, did you notice an improvement in dynamic contrasts micro/macro dynamics or does it remain polite and evenhanded?
Tubegroover, I'd say polite and evenhanded. However I will say this; those little 5 watt monoblocks were really pounding out some highs, mids and lows, better than I had expected! Its hard for me to comment on the CJ 11-A because I am use to hearing it on a pair of Legacy Studio speakers. Now that I use the Klipsch 102 dB with either amp, obviously the CJ rocks the sound room.