Benchmark DAC

Great reviews, lots of positive feedback. OK why do I see so many come up for sale on the board? Is it because there are just so many? Is it because they show off every defect in the rest of the system. I can't believe that it is because it is so hard to set up.
Just wondering. INWANW
The Benchmark DAC is easy to set up. It's a bargain used and even new seems a good buy. In fact, I'd love to find good one on Audiogon but, after a recent glut of them, they seem to be in short supply now. I owned one for a good while and, as is the way in this strange hobby, sold it in order to try something new and different. I have not heard anything since that I prefer to the Benchmark, although, if memory serves, the Cambridge 840 CD player might be its match. I liked the Benchmark better than two CD players I owned, a Rega Apollo and a Naim CD5i. The Benchmark does not smooth over rough edges or add midbass warmth -- it seems, to my ears, both neutral and engaging, clear but not bright. It won't do wonders for a lousy recording, but that's no fault of the DAC. I liked it. I miss it!
Benchmark is fairly detailed, but a decent NOS dac will smoke it for overall musicality delivering better vocals, acoustic piano while matching its detail. Head to Head with an Audiosector/Audio Zone for example it's no contest.
I agree with Celtic66, as a NOS DAC is what I eventually ended up with (an MHDT Havana). You'll need to make sure it gets a clean digital signal(low jitter), as I believe most NOS DACs don't have the capability to deal with jitter like the Benchmark DAC1.
The same question could be asked about any number of products on Audiogon. It makes me laugh when people like Celtic66 say product A will "smoke" product B in something as subjective as musicality.
The same question could be asked about any number of products on Audiogon. It makes me laugh when people like Celtic66 say product A will "smoke" product B in something as subjective as musicality.

And there is your answer as to why. Audiophiles are selling the Benchmark DAC1 by the boatload, as pretty much any decent product will smoke the DAC1...