Benchmark to amp direct question?

Has anyone tried to hook up the Benchmark DAC1 direct to a power amp? Was it better than via a preamp? Any comments/experiences?
Lots of info on this. Please do a search.
For me, direct into amp is superior. Many others think otherwise.
Depends on the preamp. Most separate preamps are much better than the stock unit. With volume control mods however, it can be quite marvelous. It trounces my fully modded Mark Levinson #38, which I thought was quite transparent. Have to keep getting up to adjust the volume, but it's worth it for the sound quality.

Steve N.
Empirical Audio
Thanks for the replies.

My preamp is the ModWright, so it would be interesting to see what the ModWright add/subtracts.

I will be trying both RCA and Balanced outputs direct into my amp and see the results. Cables are Slinkylinks. See how things go...