Benchmark to amp direct question?

Has anyone tried to hook up the Benchmark DAC1 direct to a power amp? Was it better than via a preamp? Any comments/experiences?
Bob_reynolds - the output impedance of the balanced outs depends enitrely on the jumper settings. The place that I set them makes the impedance 30 ohms, just right.

steve N.
Empirical Audio
Post removed 

Does running direct to the power amp in balanced configuration produce a better sound than going through the Modright preamp unbalanced?

Certainly that's what I've been trying to say. The Benchmark is essentially a balanced DAC, so the "correct" or optimal way to use it, is via its balanced outputs. The difference is not subtle.
I wonder if the output impedance of the balanced outs suits your amp better than the impedance of the rca outs ?
Might be worth thinking about , for others , rather than accepting a blanket conclusion that one connection type sounds better than another .

What really matters is that you found what works best for you . Congratulations and enjoy the music .