Benz Slr Gullwing vs Lp s

Hello to all,

I need help in choosing one of these cartridges. Has anybody compared these two cartridges? In two german reviews they say that the Slr is even better than the Lp s !? My turntable is a Garrard 301 with a Graham Phantom B-44. I had the Clearaudio Concerto which i broked and it wasn't the sound i was searching for. I want something more musical.
Thank you to all

Your tech paper is probably correct. The original S class cartridges introduced in 09' did have the 5x120 um stylus. This is the same stylus type that was used on the older Ruby 3 if my memory isn't failing me. I remember that cartridge very much. It had good sound and slightly less of the LP non-S warmth but also slightly less of the LP non-S control.

I checked my stylus archive and didn't find a picture of the LP-S. I must have just aligned it in real-time without archiving the photo. Maybe next time I set one up I'll snap a photo of the new micro-ridge stylus.

Regardless of the stylus type you still have a good cartridge. Which I'm sure you already know.

I think the newest version of the Ruby now carries the Z tag and is now covered with what Benz calls Zebra wood.


I didn't want to muddy the thread. I'll send you the response via e-mail.

Dre...j, I already mentioned the discrepance between my
'tech paper' and 'frequency sheet'. Aka 'line contact' versus F.Geiger S stylus. But if micro ridge is superiour 'kind' than we will have no other choice. Ie every producer will
use micro ridge stylus.Ie I am not aware that micro ridge is more expensive than Geiger. But than why is Ortofon using the same Replicant in the new Anna cart?

I have an LP-S and run it on a phantom II with the stock counterweight with no problems. I upgraded from the LP. The LP-S is spectacular, much better than the LP. I couldn't be happier. My vinyl rig sounds phenomenal.