Berning ZH270 Synergy

You often see the Berning ZH270 amp paired with Merlin speakers. What other speakers pair well with the Berning amp? In other words, is it more flexible in this regard than we're led to believe? Thanks.
So you guys are going to get me tube rolling already?

I know I have some MullardCV4024/12AT7 with the shield logo and some RCA black plate 12AT7's, JAN 6201 GE and probably a couple of NOS Tungsol 12AV7... I may bite the bullet for some more flavours of the 12av7 as they are relatively inexpensive ...I'll try and find a source for some TeleECC801 for more fun too...

I'm enjoying the amp so much stock to even imagine greater performance.(My cyroded outputs should be here soon) The last time I was so enamoured with a set up was probably the late 70's with and ARC D79 and a pair of Bevridge electrostatics.

I usually don't keep the USA monitors in the system for long as I tend to prefer the ESL57's..I think the Berning has taken a grip on the ESL63's that I was unable to accomplish before..I've kept them in for days and don't yet have any desire to pull them out.
Artg, I have been working on bringing an SET quality to the Berning, and tonight(at least for now)I think I have accomplished it. Ist position 6829 5 star GE, 2nd position Telefunken ECC801S, and 3rd position 1950's d getter 6201 pinch waist gold pins.

Treble no longer is fatigueing at all(no glare)MIdrange is liquid magic, and bass tight, fast, accurate. I am trying to get the sound of my favorite amp, the Wavelength Cardinal X1 with WE 300B;s, but with BALLS.

I am smilin tonight, tomorrow, who knows
kind of off topic, but my Berning EA-230 drives the Quad ESL-63's great...i am waiting on my second amp so i can mono.
I think I found it, E180cc PW Amperex, Tele Ecc801s, and 12AV7 Tele. Trips myu trigger big time.
I have a 60's vintage Mullard 12AT7 to try in place of one pair of my TF ecc801s. I will put them in the second position and keep the other pair of TF ecc801s in the first position. The RCA 12AV7 will stay in front for the time being.

I will report on the Mullard 12AT7 combo when I get it in.