Best 2-way room friendly speakers

I've heard 4th order x-over minimizes room interactions and waveguide speakers give constant power / off axis response. OTOH, first order like Thiels always seem to require a lot of fiddling because the large driver overlaps result in uneven room reactions.

What speakers would have the best room interactions without adding a lot of acoustic treatments to the room?
Of any era I don't know but for the late 1950s My dad's JBL C36s with a extended range woofer midranrange driver the Iconic D-130 and the Aluminum short horn "bullet" 075 tweeter were contenders for best sound. They were clear and fast while others were more muddy. Given the ol,d style tube amps used at the time they weren't too tizzy. With modern SS these JBL "Signature" package speakers are a little hard and edgy but in their time....
Totem Forrest... Friendly to room with superb imaging and friendly to any amp tube or solid over 40wpc.
Shelby+Kroll Nano Monitors and Woofer Monitors!
Detailed and musical with a soundstage that doesn't loose center focus even when off axis.
The monitors drop off quickly at 100hz and the matching "sub" picks it up from there. Match with either a Dspeaker 8033c or the new Dspeaker Dual Core 2.0 and you will have a simple and excellent sounding system.

Good luck :-)