Best amp for Raidho Speakers

I just bought a pair of Raidho C1.1 speakers. For you Raidho experts out there, what do you feel is the best amp for these speakers? I will be using an Audio Research SP20 preamp. I am currently using Mcintosh MC275 amps but I think the Raidho might be better with a solid state amp. What is the consensus on this ? Is Raidho better with SS or tubes ?
Mikeyaya, It depends on what type of music u prefer, Aavik is excellent in dynamic and impressive bass with my D1 , vocal seem to be less convincing , after trying many amp with D1 , I prefer Luxman m800a , with hovland hp200 pre, the sound is warm and convicing with good control.
I mainly listen to jazz and pop.
MikeYaYa, Yes, Rowland amps work very well with Raidho speakers, but...

Let your speakers break in and settle down first... Once their behavior as stabilized, you will be able to determine what your Mcintosh MC275 does well with them, and where it falls short, if at all. If you rush now to get a new amp -- of any brand / model what so ever, you might correct some temporary sonic flaws of the speakers, that in just a few weeks, will turn into some new annoying overcompensation.... And down the eternal rabbit hole you will go, seeking yet a new gizmo to correct the over-correction.

So... let things settle... Enjoy and sit back.... If you discover any frequency humps, adjust the speaker positions/orientation until the seem optimized.... Then listen a lot more.... Are you in Nirvana already?

Hmm... Knowing you are a "suffering audiophile", probably not... Might be still time to think about a Rowland Continuum S2 integrated? ... Or the brand new Rowland M625 S2 stereo amp... Or may be, you want to explore what the High Fidelity CT-1 PCs do for living instead... Yes, these PCs designed by Rick Schultz are in fact amazing, but Until the dust settles in the system, you would not be able to tell their magic.

Besides, your system as is, may already be emitting the ultimate cat's meow!

I am currently using a pair of Manley snappers driven by a Primaluna Dialogue preamp with good results,  

great to know you're loving the Manley's with the C 1.1s - I'm sure the midrange sounds fantastic. Do you feel you get enough of the attack that these speakers are known for? Do you care if you don't? I assume you're not listening to Opera or rock at high volumes;-)

I ask because I don't want to have to give up my 80W hybrid now that I'll be a C 1.1 owner. I assume that if my Jazz listening level is low enough (and it usually is) it wouldn't make a damn bit of difference if I had an 80W hybrid or a 300W hybrid.
